Albert Thomas
Research engineer in machine learning at Huawei
Hi! đź‘‹
I’m currently a research engineer in machine learning at Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab in Paris. In the last few years, my work has centered around model-based reinforcement learning and AutoML. You can check out my papers here.
Before joining Huawei, I completed my Phd on unsupervised anomaly detection at Telecom ParisTech in October 2017. During my PhD, I worked at the Airbus Group Innovations under the guidance of Vincent Feuillard. My academic supervisors were Stéphan Clémençon and Alexandre Gramfort.
I also contributed to scikit-learn for a few years. Feel free to take a look at my GitHub profile for more information.
On top of that, I like to write blog posts every now and then about the things I learn and try as part of my daily work. You can check out my blog posts here.